

Ethernet, How it works in brief is to avoid a collision (collision) between data in a network, the node will see if the network does not send data packets before the node is sending data packets.

If the nodes see the network does not send data packets, then the node will mengerimkan data packet, the node will send packets of data. If packet data is transmitted when the node also sends the data packet, it will happen collosion. If there collosion, then the node and the network will be the same - just stopped sending data packets. Once stopped, the node and the network will be waiting with a random time to transmit data packets. Data packets experience collisions will be sent back when there is opportunity. how the method is called CSMA / CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access Detection). with sisitem work like this, Ethernet uses half duplex data transmission system.

This system has a speed of 10 Mbps in the first place, implementation is done in various media ethernet cable that is:

    10BaseT: Using UTP cable, 10 Mbps.
    10Base5: Using the thick coax, 10 Mbps.
    10Base2: Using thin coax, 10 Mbps.

Next to grow at a speed of 100 Mbpsdan 1000 Mbps, with increased speed, convenience and low cost ethernet then the system is growing rapidly and dominate its use in the field.

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1 Response to "Ethernet"

  1. Ethernet has become most important communication technology for companies. Enterprise level organizations hire special companies like UK Euro AV to enhance their networking speed and Ethernet protocols help in it.


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